Online Pet Store

Bravecto Spot-On Toy 2-4.5kg

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Product Details

Bravecto provides long-lasting flea and tick protection in a single treatment. Bravecto breaks the flea life cycle by killing fleas before they can lay viable eggs, providing excellent control of flea infestations. Bravecto is an ideal flea and tick treatment for your dog because: It works — providing long-lasting flea and tick protection in a single treatment. It’s safe for dogs including breeding, pregnant, lactating dogs and ‘ivermectin sensitive’ Collies. Bravecto is approved for the treatment and control of sarcoptic mange and ear mites+. It’s a great choice for dogs with flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Bravecto’s active ingredient belongs to a new class of anti-parasiticide compounds, so there is no known flea or tick resistance to it – making protection worry-free.

SPOT-ON – 6 months flea and 4 months tick protection for dogs in one spot-on

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